Bone Marrow Leave
An employee who works an average of twenty (20) or more hours per week and wants to donate bone marrow may take an unpaid leave of absence up to 24 hours in duration for the purposes of bone marrow donation. Although this leave of absence is unpaid, the employee may, at their option, use any accrued unused vacation time in lieu of unpaid leave.
An employee who wants time off to donate bone marrow should request the leave in writing to their supervisor. The employee may determine how to allocate the amount of available leave, but should give as much notice as is feasibly possible so that the College may schedule work and plan for business requirements. The College may also require verification by a physician for the purpose and length of each leave requested for bone marrow donation.
Leave for bone marrow donation is available only to the extent that it does not conflict with the requesting employee's work schedule. Employees who undergo bone marrow donation outside their regular work schedule do so on their own time.