College Record 2024-2025

Honors Program Selection Criteria

Eligibility Criteria and Application Process

First time, full time (FTFT) students who apply to Keuka College and have a high school GPA of 90 (ninety) or higher are invited to apply for the Honors Program by submitting an essay of interest. These essays are reviewed by the Honors Program Director along with members of the Honors Program Advisory Council (HPAC). The admissions team aims to craft a balanced class to allow for a range of majors, perspectives, and backgrounds. In addition, students must not have an excessive number of transfer credits or possess an AA/AS through a high school program. They need to be able to complete at least 75% of the Honors Program curriculum without necessarily exceeding 120 credits total at Keuka College.

Once accepted, students must deposit and enroll to secure their place in the Honors Program. New Student Orientation participation is expected of all Honors Program students.

Alternative Eligibility and Entry 

Fall Admission: In the event there are open spaces remaining in an incoming cohort, admission for the fall semester will be prioritized as follows:

  • Waitlisted students from the Admissions process.
  • Additional incoming FTFT students who did not apply by the due date but meet the criteria for admission.
  • Incoming transfer students anticipated less than 25% of Gen Ed complete who meet the criteria for admission and/or have demonstrated 3.5 or higher gpa performance at their prior institution with no conduct concerns.
  • Incoming students recommended by Admissions Counselors or faculty for evidence of engagement and promise, who are anticipated to have at least 75% of Gen Ed credits remaining, but do not meet the HS GPA or prior institution GPA requirement.
  • At the end of the first year, a rising second-year student may apply to become part of the Honors Program if they meet the 3.5 GPA requirement and have been recommended by a faculty or staff member. However, they must be able to complete 75% of the Honors curriculum with their remaining degree requirements.
  • Because of housing placements and scheduling needs, admission for the Fall Cohort should be finalized prior to August 1.  In exceptional circumstances, students may join prior to the course add/drop deadline in the Fall semester.

Spring Admission: If there are openings or anticipated openings in the Honors Program due to students leaving the program, an incoming or current student (FTFT or transfer) may apply for admission to the Honors Program, joining either in Spring or Fall based on housing and curricular timing. They must either meet the admission criteria for new students or have achieved at least a 3.5 at a prior institution, or in their first semester at Keuka College. The due date for spring admission applications is the end of the second week in January, and will be offered through invitation only.

If an Honors Program student voluntarily exited the program and wishes to re-enter the program after a maximum of one semester’s hiatus, they must meet current academic criteria and apply directly to the Honors Program Director with a letter explaining their request. An interview may be required. Re-admittance is not guaranteed.

If a student has been dismissed for academic reasons, but has restored their academic standing and space allows it, the student may apply after a maximum of one semester’s hiatus to be reinstated to the Honors Program before the beginning of their junior year (5th semester). They should apply directly to the Honors Program Director with a letter explaining their request. An interview may be required. Re-admittance is not guaranteed.

All inquiries regarding qualifications to join the Honors Program should be directed to the Honors Program Director.