College Record 2024-2025

Non-Traditional Transfer Credit


Keuka College recognizes the value of its students’ prior learning experiences and acknowledges the student’s right to clear and concise information on how prior learning assessment credits and standardized examination credit  might help them meet their educational goals. The Non-Traditional Transfer Credit policy defines principles, criteria, and guidelines to assist in validating learning achieved in non-traditional educational environments.


Types of Credit Accepted

  • College Proficiency Examination (CPE) administered by the New York State Department of Education
  • College Level Examinations Program (CLEP) offered by the College Board
  • Advanced Placement (AP) Program of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB)
  • New York State Regents College Examination (RCE)
  • Joint Services Transcript (JST)
  • Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
  • International Baccalaureate Examinations (IB)
  • Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio
  • Others by approval from the Registrar’s Office
  • For college-level standardized examinations, credit will be applied once official documentation has been received by the Registrar’s Office. Minimum scores have been determined for each examination. Exam scores that do not meet the minimum grade requirement may not be accepted. For more information on the scores that will be accepted as transfer credit, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

In combination with transfer credits, prior learning assessment credits and standardized examination credit may not exceed 90 credits.


Credit for Prior Learning Policy and Procedures


Keuka College recognizes that college-level learning may occur through unstructured educational opportunities such as professional work, military service, extensive travel, volunteer opportunities, or through independent scholarship, and that college credit may be awarded for that knowledge. To recognize students’ diverse learning experiences, Keuka College accepts Credit for Prior Learning submissions to be evaluated for college credit, including Field Period®.

The following requirements must be considered prior to submitting or approving a Credit for Prior Learning request:

Only current undergraduate Keuka College students may request a Credit for Prior Learning agreement. Graduated and withdrawn students are not eligible to apply for Prior Learning Assessment. 

Professionally accredited programs are not able to accept Credit for Prior Learning for major requirements or prerequisite courses. Students in professionally accredited programs should speak with the relevant Division Chair about their options. 

Credit for Prior Learning will not be awarded for high-school coursework. 

Students may not apply for course credit for a course they have previously failed, are currently enrolled in, or have already completed.

The successful candidate will be awarded academic credit. The credit will be considered transfer credit and will not influence the student's GPA. 

Applications will not be accepted for graduate-level courses. 


The general process for requesting Credit for Prior Learning is as follows: 


Initial Consultation: Students must first consult with their faculty advisor and relevant Division Chair to consult Credit for Prior Learning as an option to receive credit for a given course or for Field Period. Not all courses may be considered for Credit for Prior Learning (see above). The experience must be substantial enough as to equate to the credit hours and learning outcomes of the requested course. Students should consult the Associate Provost with any questions about the viability of the equivalency prior to completing the Credit for Prior Learning Request form.


Credit for Prior Learning Request Form and Submission Form: Once given preliminary approval by the Division, the Credit for Prior Learning Request Form will be filled out by the student. Each Field Period or course equivalency to be considered for Credit for Prior Learning must be submitted separately. The form includes fields to describe the experience, how the student considers it equates for credit, and the evidence the student plans to submit. The form is sequentially reviewed and approved by the student's Academic Advisor, Division Chair, and the Associate Provost. Revisions may be requested. Once approved, the form serves as a contract and will be assigned a due date, typically coinciding with the standard academic terms. Failure to submit documentation by the date will void the Credit for Prior Learning request unless an extension has been granted.


Next, the student fills out the Credit for Prior Learning Submission Form. The student will be required to submit evidence with reflection that demonstrates the achievement of learning outcomes for the course or Field Period, following provided guidelines. To receive credit, the submission must be complete and well-organized, including all required documentation. 


Course Challenge: In lieu of a portfolio, Divisions and their faculty may also establish a course challenge such as writing a final paper or taking a final exam with a specified score or grade required to be awarded credit. However, a course challenge is only permitted if the student also provides evidence of corresponding experience and completes the submission form.


Review Process: Completed submission forms will be reviewed by the Division and the Associate Provost. Approved submissions will be forwarded to the Registrar’s Office for the credit to be applied to the student’s degree audit. Denied applications may not be resubmitted for review but can be appealed to the Provost or designee.