College Record 2024-2025

Business and Management

The mission of Keuka College’s Division of Business and Management is the preparation of its students for leadership roles in a wide range of domestic and global organizational environments. In each of our programs we create a unique educational experience that combines a solid liberal arts foundation for learning and critical thinking skills, a proactive program of experiential opportunities and related co-curricular activities, and a solid professional foundation in each of the critical business disciplines, all of which are rooted in ethics and integrity.

We focus on the skills and knowledge that will set students apart, while positioning them for success after graduation. Our curriculum combines critical thinking skills, real world experience, and a solid integration of international business. All faculty instructors highlight current business practices and bring top-notch business professionals into the classroom to share real-world problems and solutions.

The Field Period® is Keuka College’s signature experiential learning method of ensuring that students can put into practice many of the theories and skills that they are learning through their coursework. These practical experiences that students undertake while at Keuka College help to develop an extremely rich and beneficial network of useful contacts that students can tap into upon graduation. Students will build a resume of experiences while still in college.