Incomplete Course Work Policy
If a student cannot fulfill the requirement for a course during the semester enrolled, the student, or the Provost or designee acting on the student's behalf, may request a grade of Incomplete. The student has the responsibility for explaining in writing, if possible, the reasons supporting their request for an Incomplete to the Instructor.
If the instructor decides an Incomplete is in order, the instructor will:
1. Establish requirements for completion of work.
2. Establish a date by which the student's work will be submitted which must be no later than the subsequent on-campus semester.
3. If possible, consult with the student in the establishment of requirements and date.
4. File a form specifying the requirements and date of submission of work with the registrar’s office, including a copy for the student, instructor, advisor, and the registrar's office.
The instructor has the prerogative of altering the established requirements and the established date of work submission only:
1. With agreement of the student.
2. Within the semester subsequent to the semester that the course would have been originally completed.
An extension of the time for resolution of an Incomplete beyond one semester subsequent to the original semester of the course must be requested in writing as an exception to policy by the faculty member or the student. Incompletes not resolved by the date specified will result in a grade of F.