College Record 2019-2020

Class Attendance Policy and Student/Faculty Responsibilities

Students are expected to fulfill all requirements and obligations of courses in which they are registered. 

For students in traditional 15-week courses, it is the prerogative of each individual instructor, faculty, discipline, or division to determine the importance of class attendance. Any instructor who elects to have a class attendance policy will set forth the policy for that term in the course syllabus.

For students taking non-traditional courses, attendance policies should be followed strictly. In all cases, the attendance policy set forth by the instructor, in the syllabus, should be adhered to. Unexcused absences may result in failure of the course.

If students are absent because of illness or family emergencies, it is their responsibility to notify their instructors in advance, if at all possible. This notification does not constitute an excused absence; it is the student’s responsibility to consult with his/her instructor(s) upon return about completing missed work. The instructor has final authority in these matters.

Absences might also occur because of planned events. Keuka College students are encouraged to participate in activities outside of the classroom, yet these activities may conflict with class times. Students are responsible for consulting with instructors in advance to ascertain whether the absence will be allowed, for submitting all written work on time, and for arranging reasonable makeup times and methods. Although instructors may wish to facilitate student participation in these activities, the nature of courses, laboratories, and practicum experiences may require that students attend class in order to better assure successful completion of the course. The instructor has the final authority in these matters.

In the event that the college closes for inclement weather, faculty may not require any student to attend a class or participate in any supplemental or alternative activity.