Foundational Skills
Written/Oral Communication, Information Literacy (WO) / Take two with a minimum grade of C-.
Experiential Learning (EL) / Take one:
Wellness (WL) / Take 1-3 different topics for credit.
Quantitative/Mathematical Reasoning (QM) / Choose one:
Breadth of Knowledge
No more than two courses in the same discipline can meet Breadth of Knowledge learning goals.
Community and Society (CS) / Choose one:
Cultural Contexts: Our Cultures (OC) / Choose one:
Cultural Contexts: Cross Cultures (CC) / Choose one:
Physical/Natural World (PN) / Choose one:
Self and Individual (SI) / Choose one:
CIA: Fine and Performing Arts (FP) / Choose one:
CIA: Verbal Arts (VA) / Choose one:
Empirical Investigation (EM) / Choose one:
Ethical Inquiry (EI) / Choose one:
Interconnectedness (IN)
One INS-301 course is required:
Effective Thinking (ET):
This learning goal is met through Foundational Skills and Interconnectedness courses.
Reasoning and Analytical Thinking (RA):
This learning goal is met through Written and Oral communication, Information Literacy, Quantitative & Mathematical Reasoning, Interconnectedness learning goals and requirements.