Students must complete each of the following areas. No more than two courses with the same disciplinary prefix may meet the Breadth of Knowledge learning goals.
Foundational Skills
Written/Oral Communication, Info Literacy (WO) / Take two with a minimum grade of C-.
Experiential Learning (EL) / Take one:
Students who transfer 45 credits or more will not be required to take KC-101. FP-201 will be required in preparation for the Field Period experience.
Wellness (WL) / Take 1-3 different topics for credit.
Quantitative/Math Reasoning (QM) / Choose one:
Breadth of Knowledge
No more than two courses in the same discipline can meet Breadth of Knowledge learning goals.
Breadth of Knowledge GROUP I
Students must take at least one laboratory science course. Any 3-4 credit lab-science course offered in disciplines generally associated with Keuka College's Division of Natural Science (Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, Physics).
Breadth of Knowledge GROUP II
Any combination of 9 credits offered in two different disciplines generally associated with Keuka College's Division of Basic and Applied Social Sciences (Psychology, Sociology, Political science, History, Anthropology, Geography, or Economics).
Breadth of Knowledge Elective
Complete one additional course from any Breadth of Knowledge Group I, II, or III above or in the Quantitative/Mathematical Reasoning categories.
Breadth of Knowledge GROUP III
Any combination of 9 credits offered in two different disciplines associated with Keuka College's Division of Humanities and Fine Arts. Disciplines include 1) Fine and Performing Arts (historical and appreciation only), 2) Language, 3) Literature, 4) Philosophy, and 5) Religion. Note that Fine and Performing Arts courses must be in history and appreciation and include Art, Music, Dance, and Theatre as one discipline.
Interconnectedness (IN)
One INS-301 course is required:
Effective Thinking (ET):
This learning goal is met through Foundational Skills and Interconnectedness courses.
Reasoning and Analytical Thinking (RA):
This learning goal is met through Written and Oral communication, Information Literacy, Quantitative & Mathematical Reasoning, Interconnectedness learning goals and requirements.