College Record 2019-2020

KC-201E Occupations & Daily Activities *


The purpose of this course is to promote a wellness mindset (physical, mental, and spiritual).  Through participation in classroom experiential activities and independent learning, students will acquire knowledge and skills that support the practice of wellness in daily life.  Students will be guided, through self-assessment and reflection, to identify areas in their life where the practice of wellness will be most beneficial.  Finally, students will develop a personal plan for continued practice of wellness in the future.  Students may take up to three different Wellness topics for credit. Human beings have been engaged in occupations, or daily activities, since the dawn of time.  This class will explore the physical, psychological and spiritual influences that our occupations have on our lives. The course will provide students with an opportunity to explore their current occupations in relation to personal wellness and create a plan for future occupational development that will influence their future health and well being.  Human beings have been engaged in occupations, or daily activities, since the dawn of time.  This class will explore the physical, psychological and spiritual influences that our occupations have on our lives. The course will provide students with an opportunity to explore their current occupations in relation to personal wellness and create a plan for future occupational development that will influence their future health and well being.




  • Occasional