College Record 2019-2020

INS-301M Integrative Studies: Culture, Gender, Community *


A writing-intensive capstone course for the General Education curriculum that provides students with guidance in their application of interdisciplinary knowledge to problem solving. Students are challenged to practice critical and creative thinking skills, and they are expected to demonstrate competence in oral, written, and other creative modes of expression. This course is open to all majors. This course will examine the cultural forces that shape our gender identity, to help them gain an understanding of important elements of the cultural contexts and historical development of gender in the United States and the importance of gender in communication problems we all experience in our personal relationships and careers. Students will identify communication problems they encounter, or expect to encounter in their personal and professional lives, analyze the role of gender in those problems and draw together insights from communication research that can help them envision solutions for those problems.




Complete ENG-112. Junior or Senior Class Level.


  • Every Fall and Spring