College Record 2024-2025

Honors Standards and Expectations

All members of the Honors Program must uphold the highest standards of student behavior and academic integrity, as specified in Keuka College’s policies and Student Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook. Further, Honors Program Students are expected to complete the out-of-class learning and service components of the Honors Program in a consistent and timely manner and at a satisfactory level of quality. Failure to uphold these standards can result in actions, as detailed below.

It is essential that all Honors Program students understand and adhere to these policies and expectations. The integrity of the program relies on the commitment of its members to upholding the highest standards of behavior and engagement.

Co-Curricular Participation Expectations


Keuka College Honors Program students are leaders on campus and are expected to serve as role models for peers. Participation in co-curricular activities is an integral component of the Honors Program experience. Honors Program students are expected to engage in out-of-class learning opportunities and service activities consistently. These activities contribute to the holistic development of students and build a sense of community engagement and responsibility.

Requirements for co-curricular participation

First Year: Gain breadth of experience and knowledge

  • Participation in NSO Honors Program-specific activities
  • Attend Honors Program activities in the LLC
  • Attend Honors Program meetings
  • A total of 10 hours / semester of a variety of types of co-curricular activities documented in the e-portfolio

Second through Fourth Year: Build depth of experience and knowledge

  • Assist in the leadership and programming of the Honors Program
  • Attend Honors Program meetings
  • Identify one or more co-curricular activities or projects that can grow over time, allow for leadership development, or connect significantly to your major/minor, research, Field Periods, post-graduate plans, while also meeting Honors Program learning objectives

Consequences for Honors Program Status and Participation


Failure to uphold the standards of conduct and co-curricular participation outlined above may result in the following consequences:

  1. Honors Program Notice: Honors Program students who fail to maintain the expected standards may be placed on notice within the program. During this period, students will be required to meet with the Honors Program director and advisors to develop a plan for improvement.
  2. Honors Program Dismissal: In cases of serious or repeated misconduct, the Honors Program reserves the right to dismiss students from the program. Dismissal may occur if students fail to remediate behavior or participation deficiencies, or if their actions significantly compromise the integrity of the program and experience of other students in the program.


First Year Progress Letters


While standards for belonging to the Honors Program are high, we recognize that students experience many challenges, some of which may be transitory in nature. We also acknowledge that students are in transition, particularly in the first year, as they adjust to college level expectations and a new living situation. The Honors Program aims to provide needed feedback and support for students to develop and meet their potential, while also meeting the expectations for GPA and conduct / co-curricular involvement. As such, first-year students receive progress letters from the Honors Program Director in early January and early June, including feedback from their Honors Program course professors, as applicable. These letters are designed to provide meaningful and actionable feedback to form the basis for advising, mentorship, and continued success in the Honors Program into the second year.