College Record 2024-2025

KC-301B Integrative Studies: Food, Science and Society *

A writing-intensive capstone course for the General Education curriculum that guides students in the application of interdisciplinary knowledge to complex problem solving and decision making to have a positive impact on a community. Students are challenged to practice critical and creative thinking skills, and they are expected to demonstrate competence in communication, collaboration, and engaged citizenship or leadership. This course is open to all majors. Students will apply interdisciplinary knowledge and experiential learning to the examination of the relationship between food and beverages, science, and society. Based on global foods past and present, we will discuss the implications for society and our understanding of science. We will investigate food preparation, cooking techniques, and/or fermented consumables, and the impact they have on culture, policies, and more. We will also examine the underlying biological, chemical, and physical concepts as we experiment with food and/or beverages.








ENG112 and one lab-science course (BIO, ENV, CHM, PHY) with a minimum grade of C-


  • Every Fall