College Record 2024-2025

KC-301A Integrative Studies: Creativity *

A writing-intensive capstone course for the General Education curriculum that guides students in the application of interdisciplinary knowledge to complex problem solving and decision making to have a positive impact on a community. Students are challenged to practice critical and creative thinking skills, and they are expected to demonstrate competence in communication, collaboration, and engaged citizenship or leadership. This course is open to all majors.  Students will focus on four aspects of creativity: the creative person, the creative process, the creative product, and the creative environment. Some degree of creativity is present in everyone, and according to many scholars, such creativity is teachable and learnable in a deliberate way. Thus, this course will explore multi-faceted nature of creativity and help students develop their own and others’ creativity and problem solving skills in areas of their expertise and interests.





ENG-112 with a minimum grade of C- required; Junior or Senior Class Level


  • Every Fall, Spring, and Summer