Employee Handbook 2024-2025

Electronic Surveillance Policy


The purpose of this policy is to regulate the use of electronic surveillance and recording of campus and restricted areas for the purposes of safety and security. Keuka College reserves the right to place cameras on campus where necessary and appropriate. This policy applies to all personnel, departments, offices, and other subdivisions of the College in the use of electronic recording and surveillance.

The Office of Campus Safety has the primary responsibility for crime prevention, law enforcement, and other campus safety and security matters on the campus and other College-owned property. Hence, Campus Safety will control the cameras and recordings and have the primary responsibility for enforcing the policy. Campus Safety is committed to enhancing safety efforts through the use of electronic surveillance under appropriate circumstances.

Keuka College respects the privacy of all College community members and is sensitive to balancing that privacy with safety needs. Cameras extend the protection that Campus Safety can provide, even when officers are not in an immediate area. Cameras are not a guarantee of safety, but are a tool that assists the Office of Campus Safety. Cameras protect campus community members from dangers by serving as deterrents and expediting investigations.

This policy does not apply to legitimate academic use of cameras for educational purposes, to cameras used for journalism, or to private cameras owned and operated by members of the campus community. This policy does not apply to cover cameras used by Campus Safety for criminal surveillance as governed by New York Penal Law.


The following guidelines apply to the placement of cameras on campus:

1. Campus Safety may establish temporary or permanent cameras in Campus areas on campus. This includes cameras that are permanently affixed, temporarily affixed, drone cameras, body mounted and vehicle mounted cameras.

2. Private areas include residence hall rooms, bathrooms, shower areas, locker and changing rooms, areas where a reasonable person might change clothes, and private offices. Cameras will not be placed in private areas.

3. Cameras shall not be directed or zoomed into the windows of any private or residential space or office.

4. Cameras shall not be directed or zoomed into the windows or property of any building not on College property.


This policy shall be available to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors upon request and shall be printed in the annual safety report required by the Clery Act and other appropriate publications. The Clery Act requires higher education institutions to give timely warnings of crimes that represent a threat to the safety of students or employees, and to make Campus their campus security policies. It also requires that crime data are collected, reported and disseminated to the campus community and are also submitted to the Education Department. The act is intended to provide students and their families, as higher education consumers, with accurate, complete and timely information about safety on campus so that they can make informed decisions.


The following guidelines apply to camera use and non-use:

1. Cameras shall be used exclusively for campus safety and security purposes.

2. Surveillance cameras will not be used to evaluate employee performance unless a formal investigation results in a determination that a safety issue may exist.

3. Cameras will not be used to monitor individual students, faculty, or staff, except as necessary for a criminal investigation and except as in accordance with the terms of a warrant. Cameras may be used to monitor a student or employee work area, such as an area with financial transactions, even if there is only one student, faculty, or staff member employed in that work area. Cameras used to monitor a work area are not intended to view the contents of computer screens.

4. The College will not use cameras to prosecute violations, including parking rules, unless review of a formal complaint results in a determination that a campus safety issue exists.=


Temporary cameras are defined as cameras that are established by the Office of Campus Safety to provide additional security for a campus event or situation and that are not in place for more than 30 days. Permanent cameras are established as part of the campus infrastructure and require planning and approval by the appropriate authorities. The Director of Campus Safety in consultation with the Safety Committee and the College President or their designee shall determine placement and use of cameras. Other departments, committees or individuals may recommend placement of cameras.

Legitimate safety and security purposes include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Protection of buildings and property.
  • Building perimeter, entrances and exits, lobbies and corridors, elevators, receiving docks, special storage areas, laboratories, cashier locations, etc.
  • Monitoring and recording of access control systems.
  • Monitoring and recording restricted access transactions at entrances to buildings and other areas.
  • Verification of security alarms.
  • Intrusion alarms, exit door controls, hold-up alarms, etc.
  • Electronic patrol of Campus areas.
  • Transit stops, parking lots, Campus (enclosed and unenclosed) streets, shopping areas, vehicle intersections, etc.
  • Criminal investigation.
  • Robbery, burglary, and theft surveillance.
  • Protection of pedestrians.
  • Monitoring of pedestrian and vehicle traffic and vehicles in traffic areas at intersections.


Images and recordings may only be monitored by Campus Safety Officers, College staff with responsibility for residence hall security, persons responsible for adjudication of campus code of conduct violations, Information and Technology staff to ensure equipment and recording quality and other officials as authorized by the President of the College or their designee. No students may be hired to monitor recordings or images. Staff responsible for installation and maintenance of surveillance equipment may access recordings only to the extent necessary to carry out their duties.

If the Office of Campus Safety, in consultation with the President or their designee, believes it is necessary to aid in an investigation or search, short recordings or image stills may be released to the media or the College community.

Those officers and authorized staff approved for monitoring will receive training in effective, legal and ethical use of the monitoring equipment. These officers and authorized staff will receive a copy of this policy and provide written acknowledgement that they have read and understand this policy. Officers and authorized staff will receive any and all updates or amendments to this policy.

No one on Campus should have an expectation of privacy where camera surveillance is conducted.


Recordings will be stored in a manner consistent with available technology and transported in a manner that preserves security. Current and archived recordings will be kept secure in compliance with the College's data center access policy. Current and archived recordings under review by authorized officials shall be subject to a process where access is automatically logged. 

Recordings not related to or used for an investigation, or subject to any litigation hold, will be kept strictly confidential and destroyed within 120 days. Recordings or images used for investigation or prosecution of a crime shall be retained until the end of the court or judicial proceedings and appeal period unless directed otherwise by a court.

No attempt shall ever be made to alter any recording. Editing or otherwise altering recordings or still images, except to enhance quality for investigative purposes or blur features as described above, is strictly prohibited.


Any person who tampers with or destroys a camera or any part of the electronic surveillance system may be prosecuted in the criminal justice system as well as the College judicial system.