College Record 2024-2025

Campus Life

The Office of Campus Life provides meaningful learning experiences to support the ongoing development of all students at Keuka College in the residence halls and outside of the residence halls.

Leadership Development

Through leadership development opportunities, campus involvement, activities and events, and collaborative efforts, this office engages, educates, and empowers the student community for an immersive co-curricular experience that complements the mission of the College. Campus Life supports recognized student organizations, supports New Student Orientation (Wolf Week), guides the Peer Mentor Program, and facilitates student leadership awards and recognition ceremonies.

Involvement and activities are only limited by the creativity and determination of our students. New clubs and organizations are easily formed by a group of interested members and their faculty/staff advisor. Clubs and Organizations are an integral part of student life. Student Senate, the Dean of Students office and Campus Life partner to support students in the development of special interest groups.

Special Interests Groups

Several special interest groups provide outdoor recreational trips, as well as activities and opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. Membership is open to interested students.

  • Active Minds
  • American Sign Language
  • Art Club
  • Association of Future Social Workers
  • The Bass Club
  • Campus Activities Board (CAB)
  • Craft Club
  • Chorale/ Band
  • Disabilities Awareness at Keuka College (D.A.K.)
  • Education Club
  • Environmental Keuka Organization (E.K.O.)
  • Hi Fro Illusions
  • Investment Club
  • KC Dance Team
  • KC FAN
  • Latinx Student Association
  • Marketing Club
  • Multicultural Students Association (MSA)
  • National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI)
  • P.R.I.D.E.
  • Sociology, Criminology, and Criminal Justice
  • Society of Occupational Therapist Association
  • Ultimate Frisbee

Residence Halls

Keuka College is committed to an integral and dynamic part of each resident’s education. The individual attention and developmental programming available in the residence halls provide residents with a firm foundation for their college experience and their individual maturation.  

The residence halls are supervised by Area Coordinators (ACs), Graduate Assistants (GAs), Resident Assistants (RAs), and Community Assistants (CAs). Area Coordinators (ACs) are professional members of the Campus Life staff who live in the campus residence halls and oversee the day-to-day operations of a residence hall or area as well as provide support of campus programming and leadership experiences outside of the residence halls. Graduate Assistants (GA) are paraprofessionals in one of Keuka College’s graduate programs. They directly report to the corresponding AC or Director of Campus Life and are another professional resource for both the RAs, CAs, and the residents. ACs and GAs are often responsible for supervising Resident Assistant/Community Assistants staff, maintaining the safety and security of the residence halls, enforcing and upholding college rules and regulations, and providing additional support for residents. RAs/CAs are carefully selected and trained undergraduate students who live on each residence hall floor/area. RAs/CAs are considered student paraprofessional staff and receive extensive training to meet the diverse needs of the resident population. RAs/CAs focus on building community and monitoring the safety, security and regulations of the residence halls. 

Campus Life at Keuka College is structured around the philosophy of responsible independence. Residents are considered adults who have entered a contract with the College. As part of this agreement, the College provides housing, food service, and learning opportunities. In return, residents are expected to act as members of an adult community, abide by the College's rules, and be considerate of other members of the College community. 

Campus Life staff members provide residents with information, assistance, guidance, and enforce campus behavioral standards. The purpose of these standards is to ensure a residence hall environment that is conducive to learning and student development. 

The residence hall is much more than a place to sleep—it is an important living/learning center. Residence hall staff are responsible for the development of a well-rounded program consisting of social, cultural, life skills, campus and community engagement, identity development and exploration, recreational, and educational activities. They work in collaboration with Student Life offices and other student groups to develop and implement programs such as movies, community service projects, educational presentations, and social and recreational events. Through these activities, residents can develop skills in leadership, communication, planning, decision-making, conflict resolution, and evaluation. 

Because the College considers residential living an integral part of a Keuka College education, traditional-age students who do not live with their parents or guardians within commuting distance are required to live in College residence halls for their entire time at Keuka College. Exceptions to this policy are made by the Office of Student Accessibility and under defined criteria, the Office of Campus Life, in accordance with the provisions established by the respective offices. 

Residents are provided with many alternate living options from which to choose, including co-educational, gender-neutral community living, special interest housing, and apartments.