College Record 2024-2025

Failure to Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress

Keuka College adheres to the following sequence for students not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). These actions are taken sequentially as students progress through their time of attendance at Keuka College. Typically, each action is a progression of the last action taken, regardless of if the student earned the sanctions in consecutive terms. The Academic Review Board will meet to determine sanctions at the end of the Fall and Spring terms. Any student failing to meet any of the minimum criteria for Satisfactory Academic Progress may receive the following actions:

Academic Warning: Received for any semester where SAP is not met. Failure to meet any component of SAP may lead to an Academic Warning. Only one warning will be issued per term, and the letter will indicate each criterion of the SAP policy that the student did not meet.

Impacts: Students on Academic Warning will be placed on an academic plan/contract requiring them to attend all classes and have bi-weekly meetings with their academic advisors. A student on Academic Warning is allowed to participate in intercollegiate athletics and all roles within student organizations/clubs. There are no financial aid implications and the warning is not noted on the student’s transcript. The student may not appeal an Academic Warning.

Probation: Received when a student with one Academic Warning fails to achieve SAP in any following semester.

Impacts: Students on Probation will be placed on an academic plan requiring them to attend all classes and have bi-weekly meetings with their academic advisors. In addition, students on Probation will not be allowed to participate in intercollegiate athletic competitions or hold leadership positions within student organizations/clubs (although they may participate as regular members). However, first-year students on Probation are able to participate in intercollegiate athletic competitions as they are granted a grace period through athletics. For purposes of financial aid, a student on Probation is still considered in “good academic standing” and is therefore eligible for financial aid. Probation status will be noted on the student’s transcript. Students may appeal the Probation status. The Academic Review Board (ARB) will review student-generated appeals that meet this criterion and will decide the status of the appeal. If the appeal is granted, the student will be placed on a second Academic Warning status. If the appeal is not granted, the student will remain on Probationary status.

Suspension: Received when a student on Probationary status fails to achieve SAP in any following semester.

Impacts: Students on Suspension will not be allowed to take classes the following term. A suspended student will have the opportunity to appeal this action. If the appeal is granted, the student will be moved to Suspension Appeal status and be allowed to continue as a matriculated student the following term. Students on Suspension Appeal will be placed on an academic plan similar to Probation, including required class attendance and required bi-weekly meetings with their academic advisor(s). In addition, students on Suspension Appeal will not be allowed to participate in intercollegiate athletics or hold leadership positions within student organizations/clubs (although they may participate as regular members). If the appeal is not granted, the student will not be allowed to continue with classes and will be withdrawn from the College. Students on Suspension Appeal are considered to not be in good academic standing and therefore are not eligible to receive financial aid. However, there is the possibility of a one-time waiver for financial aid eligibility. The suspension appeal process incorporates the financial aid appeal request. Suspension and/or Suspension Appeal status will be noted on the student’s transcript.

Expulsion: Received when it has been determined that a student has engaged in extreme academic wrongdoing. Examples include but are not limited to multiple suspensions, falsifying College and/or academic records, professional standards violations, and multiple academic integrity violations. 

Impacts: Students on Expulsion will not be allowed to take classes at any point in the future at Keuka College. An expelled student will have the opportunity to appeal this action. If the appeal is granted, the student will be moved to Expulsion Appeal status and be allowed to continue as a matriculated student the following term under special conditions. If the appeal is not granted, the student will not be allowed to continue with classes and will be withdrawn from the College indefinitely. Expulsion and/or Expulsion Appeal status will be noted on the student’s transcript.

Discretionary Actions: In some cases, the Academic Review Board may recommend alternative actions appropriate for specific situations. For example, if a student’s Quality Point Deficit determines that they will not reasonably be able to recover by the time they will have reached suspension status, the Academic Review Board may choose to bypass the Academic Warning and/or Probationary status. Conversely, the Academic Review Board may implement a second probation for a student already on Academic Probation if the Board determines that an additional semester at Keuka College is warranted by the student’s performance or potential. Other actions may be taken at the discretion of the Academic Review Board. In all cases, communication from the Board or designee will explain the reasons for the decision.

In the instances where a student takes a Summer or January course to reinstate their eligibility for sports, clubs, or other co-curricular activities, the student may request to have their academic progress assessed after the close of those terms. The Academic Review Board will look at the student’s case and make a determination. This review will not change any past action made by the Academic Review Board and the student will remain on academic contract.