College Record 2024-2025

Graduation Requirements

All students working toward a baccalaureate (Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science) degree must meet the following basic requirements for graduation:

1. At least 90 credits for a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree and at least 60 credits for a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree must be in the liberal arts and sciences (LAS);

2. Satisfactory completion of a minimum 120 semester credit hours and a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 unless otherwise specified.

3. Completion of major requirements with a GPA of at least 2.00 unless otherwise specified.

4. One satisfactory Field Period® for each 30 Keuka College credits required for degree completion. No more than four Field Periods® may count toward the total number of required credits for graduation; online students should review their individual program for Field Period® requirements.

5. Completion of all General Education requirements as indicated in the student’s degree audit and catalog year; students who are holding previously earned AA, AS, BA, and/or BS degrees will have all General Education requirements waived.

6. Completion of one laboratory science course.

7. Completion of 30 of the last 36 credits at Keuka College, including one Field Period® and at least 12 credits in the student’s major in courses at the 300-level or above.

8. Completion of at least 30 credits granted by Keuka College.

9. Participation in College outcomes assessment survey.

**Students participating in a 3+3 or 3+4 transfer articulation agreement are exempt from criteria #7. For these students to complete their bachelor’s degree, they must inform the Registrar’s Office of their intent to participate in the articulation. Upon successful completion of their remaining baccalaureate degree requirements at the partner school, students must provide Keuka College with an official transcript by the agreed-upon deadline.

All students working toward a graduate degree must meet the following basic requirements for graduation:

1. Satisfactory completion of their requirements as specified by their division.

2. Completion of degree requirements with a minimum grade of C+ in all coursework and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 unless otherwise specified by the requirements of the program.

3. Completion of at least 27 credits granted by Keuka College.

Degrees are conferred on the last day of each month by the Registrar’s Office. Students who have pending degree requirements will not have their degrees conferred until all degree requirements have been met through institutional or transfer credit. Students completing their final degree requirements through transfer credit must provide Keuka College with an official transcript when their final coursework has been completed. If the transfer credit meets all of the transfer credit criteria noted in the transfer policy section, the credit will be applied when the Registrar's Office receives the appropriate official transcript from the other institution. As per college policy, under no exception will degree conferral dates be backdated. Students are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all degree requirements are satisfactorily met.