College Record 2024-2025

Student Initiated Major

Student-Initiated Majors (SIM) are interdisciplinary majors designed by a student, in conjunction with a faculty committee, that reflect the student’s own educational objectives and career interests. Students wishing to pursue a student-initiated major must initially work with their current academic advisor to engage with the Registrar’s Office and the Curriculum Committee (i.e., the academic advisor makes initial contacts). The Registrar’s Office will provide all needed forms and process guidance.

The student must: 1) meet initial eligibility requirements, 2) create a student-initiated major Committee, and 3) prepare a student-initiated major proposal. The proposal must be approved by the committee formed by the student and the Curriculum Committee before being sent to the Registrar’s Office.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Successful completion of at least two semesters at Keuka College.
  • No fewer than three remaining semesters (defined as Fall and Spring, not January, Summer or other) to complete the approved SIM course work.
  • A cumulative Keuka College grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.00 and meeting all requirements for satisfactory academic progress as defined in the Policy on Satisfactory Academic Standing.

Student-Initiated Major Committee Formation

  • The student shall identify an instructor with faculty status who agrees to serve as the SIM Committee Chair and Major Advisor. The SIM Committee Chair may or may not be the student’s current academic advisor.
  • In consultation with the SIM Committee Chair, the student will identify two additional instructors with faculty status who agree to serve as members of the SIM Committee. The committee must include faculty members with specialization in the proposal area(s), and at least two different disciplines must be represented.

Student-Initiated Major Proposal

Working with the SIM Committee, the student will prepare a student-initiated major proposal that must be evaluated and approved by both the SIM Committee and the Curriculum Committee. The proposal must describe the student's educational and career objectives, as well as how the selected coursework will be integrated to generate a cohesive program that meets these objectives. The proposal must clearly demonstrate that the proposed SIM has depth, breadth, and an identified progression of coursework. The proposal must:

  • Detail a program of study that contains a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework. At least 1/3 of these credit hours must be at the 300 and/or 400 level.
  • Identify whether the student-initiated major will culminate in a BS or a BA degree.
  • Ensure that all Keuka College graduation requirements are met, including total credits, GPA, general education credits, liberal arts credits, and Field Period® completion.

Student-Initiated Major Degree

Once the student-initiated major proposal is approved it will be sent to the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar will build the agreed upon requirements into the student’s degree audit as a Keuka College degree. Degree requirements and academic progress will then be tracked through the college’s existing processes. The student and the major advisor should work together to ensure that all degree requirements are completed as specified.

For more information on how to declare a Student-Initiated Major, please contact the Registrar’s Office.