College Record 2024-2025

Double Majors and Dual Degrees

A student may elect to major in two fields or disciplines; all the requirements for each major must be met as outlined below. Students should be aware that careful planning is necessary to complete a double major in four years. Upon declaring a double major or dual degree, the student will be assigned a faculty advisor for each major. The College does not guarantee that all courses will be offered every year.

Double Majors

Double major students receive one degree, totaling 120 credit hours. Double major students must meet the criteria as noted below.

Eligibility criteria for a double major:

  1. Student has completed one semester at Keuka College
  2. Double Majors may not include a Student-Initiated Major.
  3. The student must be in good academic standing to declare a Double Major.
  4. The student must submit a Change of Academic Program form.
  5. The student must complete a minimum total of 120 credit hours.
  6. If both majors lead to the same degree type, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts, the student may choose the order in which the majors will appear on the permanent record. If the majors lead to different degrees, the student may choose to receive either the Bachelor of Arts degree or the Bachelor of Science degree. The major for the degree chosen will appear first on the permanent record.

The student will receive one diploma if a double major has been declared.


Dual Degrees

Dual degree students receive two degrees, totaling 150 credit hours. Dual degree students must meet the criteria as noted below. Declaring a dual degree could delay graduation. Careful planning is required to meet all requirements.  

Eligibility Criteria for Dual Degrees:

  1. Student has completed one semester at Keuka College
  2. Dual Degrees may not include a Student-Initiated Major.
  3. The student must be in good academic standing to qualify for Dual Degrees.
  4. The student must complete at least 30 credit hours, in a distinctly different academic discipline, in addition to the requirements of the first degree. None of the course requirements applied to the first degree (except general education requirements) may be applied toward the second degree.
  5. The student must complete a minimum total of 90 liberal arts credits.
  6. The student must complete a minimum total of 150 credits.
  7. The student must submit a Change of Academic Program form.

A Dual Degree student will receive two diplomas for each degree awarded.