College Record 2024-2025

Federal Programs

Following is a list of federal financial assistance programs for which students enrolled at Keuka College may qualify. Students apply for financial aid by submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Aid from most of the federal programs described herein is offered based on “financial need.” When a student completes the FAFSA, the information reported is used in a formula (established by the U.S. Congress) that calculates an Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The EFC is subtracted from the cost of attending Keuka College to determine a student’s financial need. Effective 2024-2025, federal changes will occur.

After all eligibility requirements have been met (see heading ‘Terms and Conditions for Receiving Financial Aid’) funds are credited to the student’s account. Additional information and criteria specific to each federal program are listed here.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

This federally sponsored grant program is for undergraduate students enrolled at least half-time who have not earned a bachelor’s or professional degree. The student must demonstrate exceptional financial need. Priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients. Funds provided by the federal government are extremely limited.

Application: Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH)

Available to students who have maintained a 3.25 cumulative GPA. In exchange for TEACH grant aid, students must agree to serve as full-time teachers at specified schools and teach in specified fields. Recipients must agree to serve or repay the grant as if it were an unsubsidized, direct loan.

Application: Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal College Work Study

This federally sponsored, need-based employment opportunity is for undergraduate students enrolled at least half-time. Students are paid (minimum wage) bi-weekly for hours worked. Students have an opportunity to work on campus. There is no guarantee they will be able to earn their entire work study amount.

The student employment (work study) program helps undergraduate students in the traditional academic program to practice and learn valuable work-related skills and helps them meet their educational and personal expenses while at Keuka College.

Application: Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan

This federally sponsored, need-based loan program (which must be repaid) is for students enrolled at least half-time. The interest rate is fixed for loans disbursed. The federal government pays interest while the student is in school and until repayment begins. The loan proceeds will be sent to Keuka College in two payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Origination fees will be deducted proportionately from each disbursement. Repayment begins six months after the student graduates, leaves school, or drops below half-time enrollment.

Application: Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan

This federally-sponsored loan program is for students enrolled at least half-time. Terms are the same as described above for Direct subsidized loan except that: (1) unsubsidized interest rate is fixed for loans disbursed (2) unsubsidized loans are not based on need; and (3) students must either pay the interest while in school or capitalize the interest (which is added to the principal to be repaid).

Application: Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Additional Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan for Dependent Students

Dependent students whose parents are unable to get a Federal Direct PLUS loan (see below) may borrow additional funds under this program. Terms are the same as described above under the Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan program. Origination fees will be deducted proportionately from each disbursement.

Amount: Freshmen, and sophomores, up to $4,000; juniors and seniors, up to $5,000.

Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

This federal loan program is for credit-worthy parents of dependent undergraduate students who enroll at least half-time, regardless of need. For loans disbursed, the interest rate is fixed. Repayment typically begins within 60 days of the final loan disbursement, but it may be deferred until six months after the student ceases to be enrolled at least half- time. The loan proceeds are sent to Keuka College in at least two installments. Origination and insurance fees will be deducted proportionately from each disbursement.

Amount: The yearly limit is equal to the student’s cost of attendance minus any other financial aid received.

Federal Direct Plus Loan for Graduate Students

This federal loan program is designed for graduate students enrolled at least half-time. Borrower must be a U.S. citizen. It is recommended that the student borrow their maximum loan eligibility under the federal Direct student loan program before applying for a Grad PLUS loan. For loans disbursed, the interest rate is fixed. Repayment begins immediately after the final disbursement; however, loan may be deferred while the borrower is enrolled in school at least half-time. Origination fees will be deducted proportionately from each disbursement.

Veterans Administration Educational Benefits

This federal grant program is for eligible veterans and children of deceased veterans or service- connected disabled veterans. Applicants must provide verification of enrollment and any other documents required by the Veterans Administration (VA). Submit an application and a copy of a Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of Financial Aid. Benefits are paid monthly in accordance with VA regulations and enrollment status.

Application: Contact any regional Veterans Administration Office, or call 1-800-827-1000.

Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008

Under the Post 9/11 Act, students who meet all necessary criteria would be eligible for tuition benefits, housing stipends and an allowance for books. Benefit amounts are based on the amount of time a veteran has served in the military. Recipients will receive an amount for tuition and fees that is not more than the most expensive in-state undergraduate public college tuition. Housing allowances are equal to the amount of basic housing for military personnel in military housing adjusted by ZIP code. The stipend for books, supplies, equipment, and other educational costs are paid proportionately by term. Students should refer to for more information about this   program.

VA Pending Payment Compliance

In accordance with Title 38 U.S. Code 3679 subsection (e), Keuka College adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. Keuka College will not:

• Prevent nor delay the student's enrollment;

• Assess a late penalty fee to the student;

• Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;

• Deny the student access to any resources available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution, including but not limited to access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities.

To qualify for this provision, such students will be required to produce their certificate of eligibility by the first day of class.