College Record 2024-2025

Unified Childhood/Special Education

The unified childhood/special education certification program is based on three areas of study. The liberal arts core requirements of the College give the future teacher the broad base of knowledge necessary for childhood education teaching. The required childhood curriculum major with an emphasis area provides content necessary for teaching at the childhood level and provides in-depth study in one liberal arts area. The childhood requirements provide the necessary background knowledge in pedagogy, development, history, and psychology specific to this level of education.

Requirements for Childhood/Special Education Teacher Certification

Students who wish to qualify for recommendation for an initial dual certification in childhood and special education in New York State (grades 1-6) must complete the childhood curriculum major and select one of the eight options for their emphasis area: American Sign Language, art, English, family and child studies, global studies, mathematics, Spanish, or science. They must complete all degree requirements for the major; they must complete one semester of a foreign language or its equivalent; they must complete the required hours of field experience working with students in their area and level of desired certification, students with disabilities, and students in a high-needs school; they must complete workshops in mandated reporting, substance abuse, and violence prevention; and they must complete the required New York State teacher exams. Further details on these examinations are available in the division office. Teacher candidates must apply for New York State certification through