INS-301T Integrative Studies: Building A Culture of Health † *
An upper-class course to be taken after most other core requirements are completed that provides students with guidance in their application of interdisciplinary knowledge to problem solving. Students are challenged to practice critical and creative thinking skills, and expected to demonstrate competence in oral, written, and other creative modes of expression. This course undertakes in depth exploration of the internal and external factors that influence health in the United States. By taking a cross- disciplinary and health-focused approach, students are guided to critically examine social, genetic, technological, cultural, economic, and political factors that impact the health of a community. Employing concepts from the liberal arts, sciences, and technologies as well as evidence-based data, students will analyze cross-disciplinary factors relevant to health and community, and will develop proposals for effective community solutions and intervention strategies. Students will also be guided to apply course learning to individual health and reflect on ways to optimize their own personal culture of health.
ENG-112 or
ENG-300. Junior or Senior Class Level.
- Every Fall, Spring, and Summer