Criminal Justice Systems (AOE), Bachelor of Science
The criminal justice systems major is designed to serve the educational needs of full-time working adults with previous college experience who wish to complete their baccalaureate degrees. The program is delivered in a hybrid model with most courses five weeks in duration and classes meet one evening a week. Students spend additional time outside of class to complete readings, assignments, case studies, online discussions, and group work.
The criminal justice systems curriculum enhances the knowledge and skills of individuals in the criminal justice field by introducing them to the latest theories and principles in law enforcement, corrections, courts, and juvenile justice. The curriculum also brings perspectives from the humanities and social and behavioral sciences to bear on the topics examined. The program culminates in an experience- based research and writing project—developed over a multi-month time frame—that synthesizes learning from previous courses.
Students use their workplace as a living laboratory in which to apply and test classroom learning. Faculty expects students to be active learners who draw on their daily work experience to enrich classroom discussion.
For more information, contact the Office of Admissions.
Major Requirements:
Complete all of the following:
General Electives:
Complete all additional credits that are required to meet the 120 cumulative credit hour requirement.
Remaining credits must fulfill INS, Lab Science, Liberal Arts, General Education, and Electives coursework.