College Record 2024-2025

EDU-537 Professional Leadership in Literacy Education

An important component of leadership in literacy education is the ability to evaluate, plan, and conduct research. This course will begin to provide students with skills to be effective leaders for literacy education. These skills include: (1) identification of current concerns or issues in literacy; (2) evaluation of research surrounding the issue or concern; (3) planning the implementation of an action to address the issue or concern; and (4) communicating the research-based plan to others. As a culminating activity in this course, each student will prepare a draft capstone proposal (as defined by the Graduate Handbook), and present that proposal to peers and other stakeholders of the program. A second component of literacy leadership is the ability to advocate for effective literacy education. Therefore, an additional goal of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to develop their leadership and advocacy skills.




  • Every Fall