College Record 2024-2025

EDU-470 Applied Educational Studies Capstone

This course serves as a capstone. Taught seminar style, this course synthesizes the learning experiences of the Applied Educational Studies major by focusing on real world application of the theories, principles, and practices of instructional design with which students have been working. In the course, students serve as consultants and move through the phases of developing a learning module for their clients: meeting and discussing strategies with clients, developing and implementing a needs assessment using survey instrumentation (Babbie), creating outcomes and designing learning experiences, and assessing the quality of the learning and any changes in behaviors on the part of the participants. The capstone would include a presentation to the class (and to the client) as well as a presentation to the Education Division and to the Keuka College community. An internship in a professional setting where a client is defined and solicited for purposes of the capstone project, is included in this course.




Senior Class Level


  • Every Spring