College Record 2024-2025

EDU-264 Infants and Toddlers

This course is a general introduction to the unique world of early childhood education and developmentally appropriate practice. Specifically, this course is an orientation to the issues, challenges, opportunities and curriculum of early childhood education from Birth to 36 months. This course examines the principles and theory behind the planning of developmentally appropriate, effective, safe, and healthy environments for infants and toddlers, with an emphasis on play-based curriculum aligned with the New York State Early Learning Guidelines. The impact of culture, language, abilities and early intervention will be addressed. Partnering with families to provide nurturance, learning experiences, and advocacy will be examined. The roles of the early childhood educator will be analyzed. A 5-hour field experience is included in this course.




EDU-105 previously or concurrently (if both EDU-105 and EDU-264 are program requirements)


  • Every Spring