The Organizational Management major is designed to serve the educational needs of full-time working adults with previous college experience who wish to complete their baccalaureate degrees. The Organizational Management curriculum enhances the knowledge and skills of individuals in the business workplace by introducing them to the latest theories and principles in management, leadership, marketing, human resources, finance, accounting, organizational communication, and organizational dynamics. The curriculum also brings perspectives from the humanities and social and behavioral sciences to bear on the topics examined. The program culminates in the development of a small business plan that synthesizes learning from previous courses. Students use their workplace as a living laboratory in which to apply and test classroom learning. Faculty will expect students to be active learners who draw on their daily workplace experience to enrich classroom discussion.
Major Requirements
Major Course Requirements:
Degree Requirements Summary
>Complete General Education Requirements.
>Complete one 3-credit laboratory science course.
>Complete one Integrative Studies (
KC-301) topics course.
>Complete Major Requirements specific to each academic degree program.
>Complete one Field Period® for every 30 Keuka College credits.
>Achieve a minimum major GPA of 2.00 unless otherwise specified by the major.
>Achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 unless otherwise specified by the major.
>Complete a minimum of 120 total credits.
>Complete Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) requirement: BS 60 LAS / BA 90 LAS
>The student is ultimately responsible for ensuring that all degree requirements are met satisfactorily.
This documentation is provided as an advising tool and should not be considered a contract between a student and Keuka College. Keuka College reserves the right to make changes as deemed necessary.
* Also fulfills a General Education requirement; cannot be counted twice in the credit total
† Liberal Arts Credit