Department of Campus Safety
Department of Campus Safety officers are New York state-certified security officers who provide continuous safety services and law enforcement to the Keuka College community.
Officers provide the following services: direct and assist visitors; deter unauthorized persons from entering buildings, loitering, or soliciting; assist emergency responders; enforce College policy, state and federal laws, and parking regulations; document and report hazards or maintenance concerns; patrol the entire campus community including residence halls 24 hours a day, seven days a week; assist with lock-outs; secure found property; and provide vehicle jump starts.
Parking on Campus
The Department of Campus Safety has the responsibility for enforcing the Keuka College parking plan. Students, faculty, staff, and guests must register their vehicles at the campus safety office and receive a valid parking permit. Students who wish to register their vehicles must pay an annual fee at the student accounts office, and present their receipt of payment at the campus safety office to receive their permit. Faculty and staff receive their permits as a benefit from the College. All persons driving on campus must observe College policy for driving on campus as listed on the Campus Safety webpage:
Clery Act- Campus Crime Statistics
In accordance with the requirements of the Clery Act (The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act), Keuka College gathers and publishes statistics on a variety of crimes that occur on or near campus—hate crimes, sex offenders, liquor and drug violations, thefts, arson, assaults, manslaughter, and murder, etc. . These crimes, as well as all other non-Clery crimes, are reported to Campus Safety or to other school officials with “significant responsibility for student or campus activities,” particularly the Office of the Dean of Students.
The statistics are reported by calendar year, not academic session, and definitions of named offenses are provided. Historical data are also included for comparison purposes. For additional information on the Clery Report and campus safety, contact the director of campus safety at (315) 279-5250.
The annual security and fire safety report can be found at:
Registered Sex Offender Information
In accordance to the “Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act” of 2000, which amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, the Jeanne Clery Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the Keuka College Campus Safety Office provides a link to the New York State Criminal Justice Services’ (DCJS) Sex Offender Registry for high risk (level 3) registered sex offenders. This registry can be viewed on the internet at: or by contacting the NYS DCJS Sex Offender Registry at (518) 457-6236. Also, persons seeking to obtain sex offender registration information may contact Yates County Sheriff’s Office Records Section at (315) 536-5778.