College Record 2021-2022

EDU-309 Integrated Methods: Childhood

An investigation into how to teach content in the inclusive elementary classroom, with an emphasis on using the Common Core State Standards ( s/) as the framework for instructional planning and assessment. Students will apply a constructivist model of teaching with learner-centered techniques that integrate the content areas, using hands-on learning, manipulatives, inquiry-based and meaningful learning activities at the appropriate developmental level of students. As a result of this course, students will be able to write learning segments and experiences and make appropriate modifications for a diverse group of learners. Students will be able to develop learning opportunities that incorporate brain-based theory, multiple intelligences theory, and the specific learning styles of students. A variety of teaching strategies will be explored, including: use of centers, inquiry and problem-based approaches, direct instruction, the use of technology, and cooperative learning. Fifteen hours of field experience in elementary classrooms, to identify "theory in practice," round out the learning in this course.




Complete EDU-306 either previously or concurrently




  • Every Fall